VERKAUFT! 568 ha Ranch in erstklassiger Lage.
- Art Haus
- Lage V0K 1S0
- Kaufpreis 1.020.000,00 €
- Wohnfläche ca. 242 m²
- Grundstück ca. 5.680.000 m²
- Zimmer 8
- Baujahr 2002
- Nutzfläche ca. 650 m²
- Bezugstermin Sofort
- Fahrzeit nächster Flughafen 90 min
- Immobilien-ID 568
This working cattle ranch offers a lucrative opportunity – complete with a large range, hay fields, a home, equine barn with suite, homesteader cabin and outbuildings. This is an ideal location for a new or current rancher, or investor looking to grow/diversify their investment portfolio.
The ranch is estimated to support 350 cow/calf pairs or more, plus 100 head each of goats and sheep, and 10 horses. The 40.000 acre grazing lease surrounding the ranch is being reviewed for additional capacity and an agriculture lease. The ranch is fenced and cross fenced to manage herd rotation. The deeded land and range are contiguous.
Within this ranch is a newly constructed equine barn, cattle/animal barn, feed shed, workshop, homesteader log cabin, and wood shed. Cattle pens, a crowding pen, working alley, covered squeeze chute and headgate, along with a loading chute are all in excellent working condition. Some farm equipment and machinery is included. The summary list is; excavator, dozer, tractor, semi-truck, flat deck trailer with bale rack, diamond harrow bar, two harrow bars, and hay liner.
Situated above the main working area, the two storey 2.600 ft2 modular house provides opportunity to view the ranch infrastructure, and the interior plateau. Constructed in 2002, the home includes an open kitchen, living and dining room, three bedrooms and a full washroom upstairs. The lower floor has a suite complete with bedroom, kitchen, living room, bedroom, full bathroom, and a laundry room, which are close to completion.
Vanderhoof is a rich, fertile valley known for its cattle ranches and dairy farms. As the geographic centre of the province, this is one of the last vast wilderness and resource industry frontiers. The area is sparsely populated, yet accessible, well serviced, and close to city amenities. Closely followed by forestry, ranching and farming are the primary industries.
As the second-largest and most easterly area of the Bulkley-Nechako Regional District, Vanderhoof encompasses a land area of approximately 78.000 square kilometres. Natural resources attract businesses to the low cost of living, access to government services, superior education and health care providers, along with a strong retail sector. Vanderhoof is rich in culture, history, natural resources, and recreational opportunities.
Surrounded by the Northern Interior Plateau’s low-rolling and upland terrain, Vanderhoof is forested with sub-boreal spruce and pine. This is the core of the forestry and agricultural industries that have dominated the economy since 1926.
30 minutes south of Vanderhoof
Vanderhoof lies on 632 m above sea level. The climate here is classified as cold and temperate. Rainfall is significant, (about 510 mm annually) with precipitation even during the driest months.
Situated in the Nechako Valley, rivers, lakes, mountains, grassy fields all combine to create a diverse backdrop for adventure, recreation, fishing and hunting.
Turn south onto Blackwater Road 7 km southeast of Vanderhoof. You will pass the Sinkut Lake Road turn off in about 5 km. Continue for about 31 km where you will reach a four-way stop at Bobtail FSR. Continue straight for another 6.5 km. The ranch driveway is on the left.
Lakes and Rivers
Vanderhoof is near the edge of the Lakes District, which comprise a multitude of lakes. In this peaceful, uncrowded area, canoeing and kayaking are an opportunity to boat or sail, relax, enjoy nature and, if you wish, just drift. The Stellako and Nechako Rivers, Tachick, Nulki Lakes are all on the ranch’s back step.
Fishing and Hunting
People travel from around the world to hunt and fish specifically in the Nechako Valley due to the prize-sized rainbow trout and the vast forests rich with wild game. Moose, elk, grizzly, mule deer, whitetail deer, black bear, cougar, wolf, lynx, and coyote all call this region home. Fantastic upland game bird and waterfowl hunting combined with unbelievable fishing are a mecca.
Stellako River Wildlife Management Area protects 503 hectares of river and riparian habitat along the Stellako River near Fraser Lake. The Stellako River is one of the top rainbow trout river fisheries in BC, and is also used by chinook and sockeye salmon. The area is a destination for sport fishing and other recreational opportunities.
Nechako River Bird Sanctuary
The 180 hectare Nechako River Bird Sanctuary, along the Pacific Flyway, is considered a mecca for bird watchers and photographers. Tens of thousands of Canada geese stop to rest and feed on the small islands of the Nechako River during the spring and fall migrations. Migratory hawks and owls also travel the Flyway.
Beaumont Provincial Park lies within the Nechako Plateau bordered to the west and north by the Hazelton, Skeena and Omineca Mountains. The park has a sandy beach for swimming, sunbathing and a variety of facilities for water-oriented activities. Beaumont was the site of the historic Fort Fraser in the 1840s, and there are still signs of habitation around the park.
Stuart River Provincial Park also lies on the Nechako Plateau and features flat to gently-rolling terrain and rounded mountains with low ridges and high bluffs along the Stuart River. The corridor has riparian areas and forests associated with the major river systems of the plateau. Paddling, fishing, hunting and plentiful wildlife viewing highlight this park.
In 2015 the “Little Bobtail” forest fire burned 25.569 hectares in the immediate area. A sizeable portion of the Deep Creek Ranch range was within this fire perimeter, burning much of the timber. Recently a full scale project has cleared about 3.700 acres (1.500 ha) of the burned timber for pellet export by Pacific Energy. The clearing has been completed to a high standard, with only some piles left to be removed. The result is a greatly enhanced range for grazing and agricultural lease opportunities for hay production.
A ground water stock watering licence is pending to support 350 cow/calf pairs, 100 head each of sheep and goats and 10 horses.
Limited irrigation may be possible. Estimated hay production without irrigation or fertilizer is 1.000 (1.200 to 1.400 lbs.) round bales on the deeded land.
Power is supplied by a new solar system and diesel generator
Propane provides radiant heating to the home and barn
New septic fields installed; one for the main home and another to serve the suite above the equine barn and homestead cabin
The owner reports excellent artisan well based on current use
2.600 ft2 modern modular home with fully finished basement
New 36’ x 72’ equine barn with suite above
Original homestead 24’ x 24’ log cabin
New septic fields for home, equine barn and log cabin
40’ x 60’ shop
12’ x 30’ wood shed
40’ x 60’ animal barn
24’ x 36’ feed shed
Can $2.308 (2019)
Ihr direkter Ansprechpartner für individuelle Fragen und weitere Informationen:
Dipl.-Kfm. Klaus-Peter Held; Tel. 02741-9757190 oder Mobil 0170-9988979.
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Die ca. 568 ha große Ranch liegt im Nechako Valley, umgeben von traumhafter Landschaftskulisse, ca.30 Minuten Fahrzeit von der Kleinstadt Vanderhoof entfernt. Das lebendige Vanderhoof ist das geographische Zentrum von British Columbia und liegt ca. 632 m über dem Meeresspiegel ( Ertragreiches Ranch- und Farmland sowie ausgedehnte Wälder prägen die Region. Mit dem Yellowhead Highway besteht eine exzellente verkehrstechnische Anbindung. Die nächstgelegene und zugleich größte Stadt im mittleren und nördlichen BC ist Prince George ( Sie liegt ca. 60 km östlich von Vanderhoof. Der dortige Flughafen garantiert eine erstklassige Fluganbindung. Das Nechako Valley ist bei Insidern für ausgesprochen gesunde Klimaverhältnisse mit reichlich Sonne während des gesamten Jahres. Selbst die Winter sind aufgrund der geringen Luftfeuchtigkeit ausgesprochen angenehm und laden zu vielfältigen Outdooraktivitäten ein. Die grandiose Allein-Lage der Ranch bietet reichlich Freiraum für großartige Lebensträume und ein autarkes Ranch-/Farmleben.
Wie bereits erwähnt, bietet Vanderhoof eine vorbildliche Infrastruktur auch für Familien mit Kindern. Die Grundschule und eine weiterführende Schule sind vor Ort. Die University of Northern British Columbia befindet sich im nahe gelegenen Prince George. Vanderhoof selbst überzeugt mit allen Annehmlichkeiten einer Kleinstadt (Krankenhaus, Ärzte, Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, Autohäuser, Werkstätten, Tankstellen, Banken, Baumarkt, Restaurants, Anwälte, Steuerberater, Hotels/Motels etc.). Der wöchentliche "Farmers Market" ist Anlaufpunkt zahlreicher Einwohner und bietet ein umfassendes Frische-Angebot an Obst und Gemüse sowie weiteren Erzeugnissen und Produkten.
Alle Angaben in diesem Exposé basieren auf Informationen, die vom Eigentümer stammen. Trotz sorgfältiger Prüfung der Objektangaben übernehmen wir keine Gewähr für die Aktualität, Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit der Angaben.
- Befeuerung / Energieträger Strom Holz Gas
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